- Dr. Hodges took a run up from Salt Lake this morning.
- The district schools were well attended at their opening last Monday morning.
- Several of our people took advantage of the Logan excursion and met their northern friends at Syracuse on Wednesday.
- Miss Mary A. Thain, Miss Eliza Thain, Miss Ella Irving and Miss Maggie Thain came down on the Logan excursion on Wednesday, and are viewing the sights in Kaysville for a few days. They are guests of Miss Minnie Williams.
- In times past Davis county has had to play second fiddle to some of the other counties in the territory In the matter of grain raising; but these times are past and she now shines forth us the greatest agricultural county in Utah. The amount of grain raised here this season cannot be very accurately estimated, but it Is safe to say that the county has produced at least 300,000 bushels of grain, of which fully 250,000 is wheat. Judging from the reports of the failure of crops in the east, we certainly have a favored land. KAYSVILLE, August 30. M.
Kaysville Kinks
Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...