Associations served a variety of functions in Kaysville throughout history. While the people in a few groups banded together for merely social purposes, the vision of most churches, schools, clubs, and societies was to better life in general by working together. Our community evolved due to groups of people associating together for the purpose of service. Different groups may have held varying goals, mottos, and perspectives, but together they helped to bind the community together and improve the lives of those around them.
Many of these associations were branches of national organizations, but some were unique to the community. The Bay View Club was part of a national service and literary group and the Jaycees and JCKs were also a social and service organization. The Commerce Club was unique and instituted solely to help the local government raise sufficient funds to improve infrastructure. Learn more about how groups of people were a positive force in improving lives around them.

- Kaysville Women Suffrage Association
- Jaycees
- Rotary Club
- Kaysville City
- Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
- American Legion, Elmer Criddle, Post #82
- Columbian Club
- Kaysville Dramatic Society