Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| October 26, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
October 26, 1890
  • Dr. C. A. Knox of Ogden, and Dr. Hodges of Salt Lake were among our visitors during the week.
  • Who can say that the population of Kaysville is not increasing rapidly?  There has been seven births in the past two weeks, and no deaths are reported.
  • Our well-known tonsorial artist, Mr. James A. Proudfoot, has purchased from Barnes & Swan the building recently occupied by Mr. Payne as a barber shop.  He is having it fixed up in modern style, for the accommodation and convenience of his patrons.
  • Between 8 and 9 o’clock on Tuesday evening, a small haystack and shed, belonging to Joseph Walsh were discovered to be in flames.  Neighbors succeeded in saving a buggy from the shed, but everything else was destroyed.  The loss will not exceed one hundred dollars.
  • Pursuant to adjournment. the city council met last evening at 7:30 o’clock, Mayor Stewart presiding. There were present recorder Phillips and Councilors Sheffield, Barnes, Blamires, Linford, Blood and Burton.
    The city poundkeeper’s report showed that eleven head of stock bad been impounded during the quarter, and that there was $5.550 due the city on same.  Approved.
    Street Supervisor Bennett’s report showed that he had expended for grading roads, building and repairing bridges, flumes, etc., $240.95.  Report adopted and amount ordered paid.
    Marshal Taylor’s bill for services during the quarter was read and amount allowed.
    Barnes & Swan applied for a license as retail liquor dealers for the three months commencing October 25, 1890, and ending January 25 1891.  Granted.
    The watermaster’s bill for services during the quarter, was as follows:
    For controlling and regulating the water in district No. 1   $71.50
    For a like service in district No 2   $97.50
    Sundry expenses   $8.25
    Total    $177.25
    Bill allowed.
  • After some miscellaneous business, council adjourned.
  • A large and enthusiastic audience assembled at People’s Party club meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30.  The programme was opened with glee by Cottrell’s Glee club.  President Linford then introduced Hon. Chas. W. Penrose of Salt Lake, who delivered an interesting speech lasting about an hour, in which he said that if ever there was a misnomer it was the name given the so-called Liberal party in this territory, because their greatest desire is to take the liberty of the People’s party from them.   He hoped to see the day when our motto “Liberty to every nation, tongue and creed,” would be recognized; when every human being, black or white, male and female, would be free to cast his ballot for the man that he wished to represent him.  Our delegate John T. Caine is a man who will use his influence for the good of the territory and its people.  Opposed to him the Liberals have nominated a man who has openly declared that a Mormon should not have the right to vote, hold office, nor even enter land under the laws of the United States.  This is the kind of a man who now asks the suffrage of the people of Utah, in order to send him to Congress to represent, or rather misrepresent, them.  Referring to the pamphlet recently issued by the Liberal party, purporting to be the record of John T Caine in Congress, the speaker said: “In turning over the leaves of the book you see nothing but white, spotless paper.  I accept it.  Such has been the record of John T. Caine in Congress — spotless and without a blemish.”
    At the close of his speech there was prolonged applause.  When order was again restored, Mrs Sarah Taylor sang a song entitled “Ship Ahoy.”  After giving three rousing cheers for John T. Caine, the meeting adjourned till next Thursday evening, when it is expected that Mr. B. H. Roberts will be with us.    M. KAYSVILLE. Oct. 25.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...

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Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference--Columbian Club Meeting--Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. -- Heber J. Sheffield has...

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Kaysville Kinks

A Budget of interesting Items from the Thriving Town. The school census reports have not been received from all parts of the county yet, but Superintendent Linford estimates that...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...

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Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference--Columbian Club Meeting--Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. -- Heber J. Sheffield has...

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