- C. E. Pearson was in town on official business last Thursday.
- We are informed that Wessels & Co. will open their millinery and dry goods store on Monday.
- Mr. J. R. Proudfoot had his barber shop burglarized on Sunday morning and several razors taken.
- We notice by the election returns as published in THE HERALD, that Kaysville polled a larger vote than any other precinct in the county.
- The young people had a very enjoyable time at Fred Burton’s new hall last evening. The building has just been completed and the opening was celebrated by a grand ball.
- Faint rumors are afloat that Kaysville is soon to nave a bank. We sincerely hope that the rumors are true, and that they will soon take substantial form.
- George Swan jr., and R. W. Barnes went to Salt Lake last evening to have a friendly game of whist with two of Salt Lakes best players A. F. Barnes and George Swan sr. We have not been able to result of the game, but we surmise that the Kaysville boys will have a victorious return.
- Signor Bosco closed his three nights engagement at the Masonic hall on Wedne day evening. Mr. Bosco is certainly talented in the art of legerdemain, and he keeps his audience in a continual roar of laughter and applause. His first two performances were first-class and gave entire satisfaction. In these he showed his ability to give a good entertainment. On Wednesday evening, however, his entertainment very nearly approached a “fizzle.” For this night he advertised that he would treat of hypnotism and spiritualism. Instead of doing this he merely repeated some tricks that he had given the night before. He left for other parts on Thursday morning KAYSVILLE November 8. M.
Kaysville Kinks
Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...