Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| March 4, 1891
Kaysville Kinks
March 4, 1891

The Site for the Building of the Proposed Hat Factory.

Kaysville and Draper to Engage in a Debate
The Dramatic Club to Appear To-Night—Notes.

  • Sickness as yet, shows no signs of abating
  • William Beezley is confined to his bed with pneumonia.
  • Mr. Joseph Egbert, one of the pioneers of ‘47 is quite seriously ill.
  • Our streets and sidewalks are in a very bad condition — a perfect sea of mud.
  • It has stormed nearly every day during the past week, and the end is not yet.
  • All classes of business have been almost at a stand-still during the past month.
  • Mrs. William White was up from Salt Lake, visiting in Kaysville during the week.
  • Mrs. Mary Woolley has been lying at the point of death for over a week. Her recovery is very doubtful.
  • The question for debate before the Kaysville Historical and Debating club tomorrow (Monday) evening is: “Resolved, that the cable is of more benefit to mankind than the mariner’s compass.”
  • The funeral services over the remains of William Jarman, who died of pneumonia, were held at the ward meeting-house on Wednesday at 1 o’clock. The deceased was 51 years old of age and a native of Tadlow, Cambridgeshire, England. In 1882 he immigrated to Utah and has since been a resident of Kaysville.
  • Now that the question of a suitable location for the proposed hat factory is being discussed, the peculiar advantage which Kaysville possesses for such a business is brought forcibly to our minds. Situated as we are, midway between the two great commercial centres of Utah, Salt Lake and Ogden, our location is certainly one of the best. Our citizens should unite in extending to the company inducements sufficient to warrant their establishing the enterprise right here.
  • A debate has at last been arranged between the Kaysville Historical and Debating club and the Young Men’s Lyceum of Draper, to take place next Friday evening, the 6th inst. The question to be discussed is: “Resolved That Education has exerted a greater influence over mankind than has Wealth.” Affirmative James H. Linford, jr., and Henry H. Blood, of the Kaysville Historical and Debating club; negative, C. B. Stewart and D. O. Rideout, jr., of the Young Men’s Lyceum of Draper. After the debate a grand programme ball will be given, and altogether an enjoyable time is expected.
  • The beautiful domestic drama, “Jessy Vere,” will be presented by the Kaysville Dramatic club next Wednesday evening, the 4th inst. The following cast of characters appears in the play:

Toshua Vero …….. Mr. J. H. Linford, jr.
Sir Arthur Faushawe …….. Mr. W. W. Sheffield
Sigismond Faushawe …….. Mr. R. W. Barnes
Christopher Chirrup …….. Mr. C. Burton, jr.
Jack Nightingale …….. Mr. O. Taylor
Jacob Thorne …….. Mr. T. H. Phillips
Roger Wheat1ey …….. Mr. F. B. Williams
Jessy Vere …….. Miss Lissa Ball
Emily Vero …….. Miss May Blood
Polly Perkins …….. Miss Minnie Williams

KAYSVILLE, March 1, 1891 M.

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Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...

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Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference--Columbian Club Meeting--Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. -- Heber J. Sheffield has...

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