Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| August 6, 1891
Kaysville Kinks
August 6, 1891

Newsy Notes From the Thriving Northern Burg.

  • As far as the returns are in, Davis county polled 72 per cent. of the registration lists.
  • Contrary to the general expectation, Layton proved herself to be an overwhelmingly Democratic precinct. It was feared I that she had gone over to the enemy.
  • The Tribune this morning gave the returns from Syracuse precinct as Liberal, 2; Republican, 5, and Democratic, 11. Where does the Liberal organ get its figures? Is this a willful misrepresentation of the facts, or has the editor simply guessed the returns in order to fill up his paper? The correct returns were published In THE HERALD this morning and are as follows: Democratic, 23; Republican, 0; Liberal, 0. Again the Tribune is mistaken.


  • James H. Larkins returned to-day from a trip to Omaha.
  • No clue has yet been found to the perpetrators of the burglary at Adams & Sons’ store at Layton last week.
  • Our postoffice has just been fitted up with a number of lock boxes, all of which have been rented.
  • Mrs. R. W. Barnes and Miss May Barton left here this evening for a trip to Brighton resort, where they will spend a week or ten days.
  • The cash receipts of the Union Pacific railway company, at the Kaysville office, during the month of July were $2397.12. This is a very fair showing, considering that it is exclusive of the forwarding business. M. KAYSVILIE, Aug. 4, 1891.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...

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Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference--Columbian Club Meeting--Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. -- Heber J. Sheffield has...

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Kaysville Kinks

A Budget of interesting Items from the Thriving Town. The school census reports have not been received from all parts of the county yet, but Superintendent Linford estimates that...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday...

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Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference--Columbian Club Meeting--Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. -- Heber J. Sheffield has...

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