Kaysville Kinks

A Serious Accident to Mrs John W Burton. Lr Grippe Taking Leave–Good Work of the Historical and Debating Club– General News.   The la grippe epidemic has nearly left us. A few more days of this fine weather and we will have dusty roads. William...

Kaysville Kinks

Newsy Notes From the Northern Burg.The Dramatic Club–The Recent Debate–A Western Union Office–Spring Is Coming. The weather is quite springlike. Miss Aggie Jones is up from Salt Lake visiting Miss Annie Wade. The Western Union Telegraph company has...

Kaysville Kinks

The Site for the Building of the Proposed Hat Factory. Kaysville and Draper to Engage in a Debate The Dramatic Club to Appear To-Night—Notes. Sickness as yet, shows no signs of abating William Beezley is confined to his bed with pneumonia. Mr. Joseph Egbert, one of...

Kaysville Kinks

Mr. Isaac Sears was up from Salt Lake yesterday. Mr. G. F. Pattillo is at home, wrestling with a severe attack of la grippe. Mrs. James E. Talmage, was up from the capital, visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barnes, yesterday. Blood and Layton opened their new butcher shop...

Kaysville Kinks

The City Council on the Liquor Question. The Dramatic Club — Death of Michael Clarke – Continnous Dry Weather Arouses the Fears of the Farmers. At a recent session of the Kaysville city council, it was decided to ask the saloon keepers to close their places of...